Lawn Aeration
If your lawn is firm to the touch, gets waterlogged when it rains and feels spongy underfoot, it is likely it will need aerating.
Lawn Aeration makes small holes in your soil so that the grass can receive water, air, and the key nutrients it needs to grow and remain healthy.
It is highly effective at reducing conditions such as sub-surface thatch and compacted soil. Issues with compacted soil include shallow roots, stunted growth and the ideal conditions for moss to thrive.
When? Aeration is best done during the out-of-season period, which is usually Spring and Autumn, as this gives the root the best opportunity to receive the most water and air.
The Lawn Force Difference
We just dont stop at a once passover, if your lawn has more issues we will go over a couple of times to make sure your lawn has what it needs
just remember aeration is the prevention and scarifying is the cure!